Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Britta Boyd Author-Name-First: Britta Author-Name-Last: Boyd Author-Email: bri@sam.sdu.dk Author-Workplace-Name: Department of Border Region Studies, University of Southern Denmark Author-Name: Simon Fietze Author-Name-First: Simon Author-Name-Last: Fietze Author-Email: simonf@sam.sdu.dk Author-Workplace-Name: Department of Border Region Studies, University of Southern Denmark Author-Name: Kristian Philipsen Author-Name-First: Kristian Author-Name-Last: Philipsen Author-Email: kp@sam.sdu.dk Author-Workplace-Name: Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management, University of Southern Denmark Title: Entrepreneurial Intentions and Behaviour of Students Attending Danish Universities Abstract: The research field of entrepreneurship gets more and more important in Denmark. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) and recently the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS) were carried out to gain more insights about entrepreneurial intentions and activities in Denmark. The origins of GUESSS go back to 2003 when researchers at the Swiss Research Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship at the University of St. Gallen (KMU-HSG) started the survey. The study is conducted every two years to explore the entrepreneurial intent and activity of students as well as the entrepreneurship training and education provided by universities in 34 countries around the world. In the sixth data collection wave Demark participated for the first time in 2013. The results for the Danish sample are presented in this report. The main findings are that Danish students have a rather low entrepreneurial intention. Their career intentions seem to follow the international pattern of first being an employee and then later becoming a founder. The report suggest to improve entrepreneurial intention among Danish students by stimulating entrepreneurial education at universities considering specific offers and activities for the different groups of entrepreneurial students as well as for students who not have considered becoming a founder yet. Length: 58 pages Creation-Date: 2015-09 File-URL: http://static.sdu.dk/mediafiles//3/A/D/%7B3AD5239F-A679-458B-9206-34A26B25445C%7D9-Boyd-Fietze-Philipsen-GUESS-6.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 9 Classification-JEL: I21, I23, I28, L26 Keywords: entrepreneurial intention, succession intention, GUESSS, Denmark Handle: RePEc:sdn:wpaper:9